Block diagram of solar lighting system

Any type of solar lamp or any lighting system which is powered by solar energy is known as a solar lighting system. Solar power is a renewable energy source so it doesn't cause any type of pollution. As it is renewable so it will never run out. Proper use of solar lighting systems can easily replace a variety of useful lighting sources like Street lamps, hand lanterns, candle lights, home lights, etc.

What is a Solar Lighting System
solar lighting system

What is a Solar Lighting System

The solar lighting system has a very low operational cost and needs less effort than an oil-powered lamp. And being a renewable energy source after having the infrastructure is completely free for a lifetime. Though it is also true that a solar lighting system needs a higher cost than the regular lamps, for its infrastructure. Only, for this reason, many people avoid solar lighting systems. But it was only a one-time investment after that it runs completely free, with a minimum maintenance cost.

Block diagram of solar lighting system

Generally, a solar lighting system consists of a combination of three modules. If this system is ready then it can run automatically if it is placed in a place where it can receive solar energy or sun rays easily. The battery recharges itself automatically by the sun rays and starts discharging at that night time and again it starts charging and turns off the light in the daytime. And this cycle goes on.
Block diagram of the solar lighting system
Block diagram of solar lighting system

PV Module

PV module or photovoltaic model is the main part of any solar-powered energy system. It catches the sunlight and from the photons, it creates solar electricity. As this system can generate voltage by receiving photons that's why it's called a photovoltaic module.
In this panel, the photovoltaic systems are placed row by row. The more the rows are more power will be generated. Though it depends on some other criteria also.

Charging System

After the solar electricity is generated by the PV module, it has to be stored somewhere so that the solar energy can be used at the time of necessity. that's why is a charging system and power backup system is necessary. This charging system along with the battery is directly connected with the solar models. The charging models convert DC energy generated by the solar system and store it in the battery at day time. At night time, it starts supplying the DC current to the lighting system.

Lighting System

The lighting system receives the DC current source triggered by the charging module. As normally the lighting system turns off automatically in the daytime and automatically turned on at dusk. This DC power light system received energy from the battery and convert electric energy into light energy. this light system is normally designed in such a way that it should consume very less amount of energy so that it can sustain it and produce light for a longer time.
solar light diagram explanation
Working principle of solar lighting system

Here we have a complete block diagram for the solar lighting system which will help you to understand how the solar lighting system works. It will help you to understand the complete block diagram of the solar lighting system.